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Picture Info Function Reference

The "App 12" segment is used by many older digital cameras, and contains text called "Picture Info"

Function: get_jpeg_App12_Pic_Info
Description: Retrieves the Picture Info text information from an App12 JPEG segment and returns it as a string. Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function
Parameters: jpeg_header_data a JPEG header data array in the same format as from get_jpeg_header_data
Returns: App12_Head, App12_Text The text preceeding the Picture Info (often the camera manufacturer's name), plus the Picture Info Text
FALSE, FALSE if an APP 12 Picture Info segment could not be found

Function: put_jpeg_App12_Pic_Info
Description: Writes Picture Info text into an App12 JPEG segment. Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function. If no App12 exists already a new one is created, otherwise it replaces the old one
Parameters: jpeg_header_data a JPEG header data array in the same format as from get_jpeg_header_data
new_Pic_Info_Text The Picture Info Text, including any header that is required
Returns: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header array with the new Picture info segment inserted
FALSE if an error occured

Function: Interpret_App12_Pic_Info_to_HTML
Description: Generates html showing the contents of any JPEG App12 Picture Info segment
Parameters: jpeg_header_data the JPEG header data, as retrieved from the get_jpeg_header_data function
Returns: output the HTML