Further Work Required
If you would like to contribute, and extend the toolkit, here are some things that are yet to be done
- Obtain format specifications for more Makernotes
- Find out definitions of Print Image Matching Info tags
- Obtain a copy of the Photoshop CS File Format Specification
- Find out what the adobe-xap-filters tag means in XMP
- Fully Test Functions to write EXIF data
- Test the use of EXIF functions on TIFF Files - only JPEG's tested so far
- Figure out a way to allow EXIF to function normally with HTTP and FTP wrappers
- Implement decoding of Adobe segment
- Find definition of Ducky segment and implement decoding
- Implement decoding of Apple plist segment
- Implement decoding of ICC Profiles
- Implement EXIF decoding of Device Setting Description field
- Implement EXIF decoding of SpatialFrequencyResponse field
- Implement EXIF decoding of User comment
- Implement EXIF decoding of OECF field
- Implement EXIF decoding of SubjectArea field
- Implement EXIF decoding of IFD datatype Float
- Implement EXIF decoding of IFD datatype Double
- Test those IPTC fields which are not used by Photoshop
- Implement support for IPTC Extended Dataset record
- Implement decoding of IPTC record 1:90 ( Coded Character Set )
- Implement Display of Rasterised Caption for IPTC record 2:125
- Implement JFIF Thumbnail display
- Implement JFXX one and three bytes per pixel thumbnail decoding
- Implement decoding for the many Photoshop IRB resources which are currently not supported
- Find out what Photoshop IRB resources 1061, 1062 & 1064 are
- Test whether the URL List field in Photoshop IRB works - No sample files available
- Test get_Photoshop_IRB and put_Photoshop_IRB with multiple APP13 segments
- Test the Unicode UTF-16 functions that have not been tested fully
- Test the many RDF items that have not yet been tested - only those used by photoshop 7.0 and CS have been tested
- Implement decoding of One Byte Per Pixel encoded JFXX Thumbnail
- Implement decoding of Three Bytes Per Pixel encoded JFXX Thumbnail