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Saturday, April 24, 2004

Derwent Bridge / Lake St. Clair to Hobart

Today was fairly boring. The bus back to Hobart came at 4pm, so I had to wait around, - perhaps it would have been better to hitch. I spent most of the time in the Lake St Clair visitors centre café, since it was warm, as it was very cold outside last night, and still quite cold today. There was fresh snow on the mountains at the end of Lake St Clair, which would have been pretty but for the low cloud.
The café has a log fire, and I spent much of the day beside it, reading, and trying to dry my boots. It seems that almost every house or building in Tasmania has a wood fire, and there are enormous piles of split firewood on many properties and at many homes. Perhaps woodchips isn't the only market for the logging.

While I was waiting for the bus, I also did my laundry, which took quite a while due to having to hand pre-wash many muddy items. It was amazing how much dirt was in them.
While I waited, I read "120 walks in Tasmania", and discovered the Penguin to Cradle Mountain trail, which sounds like a good walk, especially if it were combined with the Overland Track to make a 165km track.
Not long before the bus ws due, I met some "Overlanders" from canader, and the Netherlands, and was talking with them for a while.

The bus trip was long (2hrs 45mins) and tedious. We passed three hydro power stations enroute.
Arriving in Hobart, I checked into the Pickled Frog Backpackers. It is an old converted pub, and is fairly nice. The operators were very helpful.
I went down the road and got some takeaway Thai green curry for dinner and ate it at the hostel before heading for bed.

Admin login | Original script by Alex
