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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Flying Back Home

I packed my gear ready for the flight home, and after sitting around in the lounge of the hostel for a little while waiting till the shuttle bus was due, I went outside to catch it.
I waited some more outside. The time I'd asked for pickup came. I waited some more. Five minutes went by, then ten. after 15 minutes, I called the bus company, and the driver answered and said he was sorry, but he forgot me. I was rather peeved, and a little worried I'd miss the flight, I rang a cab, and after a fairly lengthy ride, it got me to the airport (for about three times the price). I made it with about 10 minutes of checkin time left.
The flight was uneventful.
I caught the train home from the airport, and it was nice to see Sydney harbour again. I walked home from the station, and discovered that my parents weren't home.
It was very nice to be able to use a full sized towel, and have clothes and food in cupboards ready.

Admin login | Original script by Alex
